Class CommandXboxController


public class CommandXboxController
extends CommandGenericHID
A version of XboxController with Trigger factories for command-based.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getHID

      Get the underlying GenericHID object.
      getHID in class CommandGenericHID
      the wrapped GenericHID object
    • leftBumper

      public Trigger leftBumper()
      Constructs an event instance around the left bumper's digital signal.
      an event instance representing the left bumper's digital signal attached to the default scheduler button loop.
      See Also:
    • leftBumper

      public Trigger leftBumper​(EventLoop loop)
      Constructs an event instance around the left bumper's digital signal.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the event to.
      an event instance representing the right bumper's digital signal attached to the given loop.
    • rightBumper

      public Trigger rightBumper()
      Constructs an event instance around the right bumper's digital signal.
      an event instance representing the right bumper's digital signal attached to the default scheduler button loop.
      See Also:
    • rightBumper

      public Trigger rightBumper​(EventLoop loop)
      Constructs an event instance around the right bumper's digital signal.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the event to.
      an event instance representing the left bumper's digital signal attached to the given loop.
    • leftStick

      public Trigger leftStick()
      Constructs an event instance around the left stick button's digital signal.
      an event instance representing the left stick button's digital signal attached to the default scheduler button loop.
      See Also:
    • leftStick

      public Trigger leftStick​(EventLoop loop)
      Constructs an event instance around the left stick button's digital signal.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the event to.
      an event instance representing the left stick button's digital signal attached to the given loop.
    • rightStick

      public Trigger rightStick()
      Constructs an event instance around the right stick button's digital signal.
      an event instance representing the right stick button's digital signal attached to the default scheduler button loop.
      See Also:
    • rightStick

      public Trigger rightStick​(EventLoop loop)
      Constructs an event instance around the right stick button's digital signal.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the event to.
      an event instance representing the right stick button's digital signal attached to the given loop.
    • a

      public Trigger a()
      Constructs an event instance around the A button's digital signal.
      an event instance representing the A button's digital signal attached to the default scheduler button loop.
      See Also:
    • a

      public Trigger a​(EventLoop loop)
      Constructs an event instance around the A button's digital signal.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the event to.
      an event instance representing the A button's digital signal attached to the given loop.
    • b

      public Trigger b()
      Constructs an event instance around the B button's digital signal.
      an event instance representing the B button's digital signal attached to the default scheduler button loop.
      See Also:
    • b

      public Trigger b​(EventLoop loop)
      Constructs an event instance around the B button's digital signal.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the event to.
      an event instance representing the B button's digital signal attached to the given loop.
    • x

      public Trigger x()
      Constructs an event instance around the X button's digital signal.
      an event instance representing the X button's digital signal attached to the default scheduler button loop.
      See Also:
    • x

      public Trigger x​(EventLoop loop)
      Constructs an event instance around the X button's digital signal.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the event to.
      an event instance representing the X button's digital signal attached to the given loop.
    • y

      public Trigger y()
      Constructs an event instance around the Y button's digital signal.
      an event instance representing the Y button's digital signal attached to the default scheduler button loop.
      See Also:
    • y

      public Trigger y​(EventLoop loop)
      Constructs an event instance around the Y button's digital signal.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the event to.
      an event instance representing the Y button's digital signal attached to the given loop.
    • start

      public Trigger start()
      Constructs an event instance around the start button's digital signal.
      an event instance representing the start button's digital signal attached to the default scheduler button loop.
      See Also:
    • start

      public Trigger start​(EventLoop loop)
      Constructs an event instance around the start button's digital signal.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the event to.
      an event instance representing the start button's digital signal attached to the given loop.
    • back

      public Trigger back()
      Constructs an event instance around the back button's digital signal.
      an event instance representing the back button's digital signal attached to the default scheduler button loop.
      See Also:
    • back

      public Trigger back​(EventLoop loop)
      Constructs an event instance around the back button's digital signal.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the event to.
      an event instance representing the back button's digital signal attached to the given loop.
    • leftTrigger

      public Trigger leftTrigger​(EventLoop loop, double threshold)
      Constructs a Trigger instance around the axis value of the left trigger. The returned trigger will be true when the axis value is greater than threshold.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the Trigger to.
      threshold - the minimum axis value for the returned Trigger to be true. This value should be in the range [0, 1] where 0 is the unpressed state of the axis.
      a Trigger instance that is true when the left trigger's axis exceeds the provided threshold, attached to the given event loop
    • leftTrigger

      public Trigger leftTrigger​(double threshold)
      Constructs a Trigger instance around the axis value of the left trigger. The returned trigger will be true when the axis value is greater than threshold.
      threshold - the minimum axis value for the returned Trigger to be true. This value should be in the range [0, 1] where 0 is the unpressed state of the axis.
      a Trigger instance that is true when the left trigger's axis exceeds the provided threshold, attached to the default scheduler button loop.
    • leftTrigger

      public Trigger leftTrigger()
      Constructs a Trigger instance around the axis value of the left trigger. The returned trigger will be true when the axis value is greater than 0.5.
      a Trigger instance that is true when the left trigger's axis exceeds 0.5, attached to the default scheduler button loop.
    • rightTrigger

      public Trigger rightTrigger​(double threshold, EventLoop loop)
      Constructs a Trigger instance around the axis value of the right trigger. The returned trigger will be true when the axis value is greater than threshold.
      threshold - the minimum axis value for the returned Trigger to be true. This value should be in the range [0, 1] where 0 is the unpressed state of the axis.
      loop - the event loop instance to attach the Trigger to.
      a Trigger instance that is true when the right trigger's axis exceeds the provided threshold, attached to the given event loop
    • rightTrigger

      public Trigger rightTrigger​(double threshold)
      Constructs a Trigger instance around the axis value of the right trigger. The returned trigger will be true when the axis value is greater than threshold.
      threshold - the minimum axis value for the returned Trigger to be true. This value should be in the range [0, 1] where 0 is the unpressed state of the axis.
      a Trigger instance that is true when the right trigger's axis exceeds the provided threshold, attached to the default scheduler button loop.
    • rightTrigger

      Constructs a Trigger instance around the axis value of the right trigger. The returned trigger will be true when the axis value is greater than 0.5.
      a Trigger instance that is true when the right trigger's axis exceeds 0.5, attached to the default scheduler button loop.
    • getLeftX

      public double getLeftX()
      Get the X axis value of left side of the controller.
      The axis value.
    • getRightX

      public double getRightX()
      Get the X axis value of right side of the controller.
      The axis value.
    • getLeftY

      public double getLeftY()
      Get the Y axis value of left side of the controller.
      The axis value.
    • getRightY

      public double getRightY()
      Get the Y axis value of right side of the controller.
      The axis value.
    • getLeftTriggerAxis

      public double getLeftTriggerAxis()
      Get the left trigger (LT) axis value of the controller. Note that this axis is bound to the range of [0, 1] as opposed to the usual [-1, 1].
      The axis value.
    • getRightTriggerAxis

      public double getRightTriggerAxis()
      Get the right trigger (RT) axis value of the controller. Note that this axis is bound to the range of [0, 1] as opposed to the usual [-1, 1].
      The axis value.