WPILibC++ 2023.4.3
units Namespace Reference

Unit Conversion Library namespace. More...


namespace  acceleration
 namespace for unit types and containers representing acceleration values
namespace  angle
 namespace for unit types and containers representing angle values
namespace  angular_acceleration
 namespace for unit types and containers representing angular acceleration values
namespace  angular_velocity
 namespace for unit types and containers representing angular velocity values
namespace  area
 namespace for unit types and containers representing area values
namespace  capacitance
 namespace for unit types and containers representing capacitance values
namespace  category
 namespace representing the implemented base and derived unit types.
namespace  charge
 namespace for unit types and containers representing charge values
namespace  concentration
 namespace for unit types and containers representing concentration values
namespace  conductance
 namespace for unit types and containers representing conductance values
namespace  constants
namespace  current
 namespace for unit types and containers representing current values
namespace  data
 namespace for unit types and containers representing data values
namespace  data_transfer_rate
 namespace for unit types and containers representing data values
namespace  density
 namespace for unit types and containers representing density values
namespace  detail
namespace  dimensionless
 namespace for unit types and containers for units that have no dimension (scalar units)
namespace  energy
 namespace for unit types and containers representing energy values
namespace  force
 namespace for unit types and containers representing force values
namespace  frequency
 namespace for unit types and containers representing frequency values
namespace  illuminance
 namespace for unit types and containers representing illuminance values
namespace  impedance
 namespace for unit types and containers representing impedance values
namespace  inductance
 namespace for unit types and containers representing inductance values
namespace  length
 namespace for unit types and containers representing length values
namespace  literals
namespace  luminous_flux
 namespace for unit types and containers representing luminous_flux values
namespace  luminous_intensity
 namespace for unit types and containers representing luminous_intensity values
namespace  magnetic_field_strength
 namespace for unit types and containers representing magnetic_field_strength values
namespace  magnetic_flux
 namespace for unit types and containers representing magnetic_flux values
namespace  mass
 namespace for unit types and containers representing mass values
namespace  math
 namespace for unit-enabled versions of the <cmath> library
namespace  power
 namespace for unit types and containers representing power values
namespace  pressure
 namespace for unit types and containers representing pressure values
namespace  radiation
 namespace for unit types and containers representing radiation values
namespace  solid_angle
 namespace for unit types and containers representing solid_angle values
namespace  substance
 namespace for unit types and containers representing substance values
namespace  temperature
 namespace for unit types and containers representing temperature values
namespace  time
 namespace for unit types and containers representing time values
namespace  torque
 namespace for unit types and containers representing torque values
namespace  traits
 namespace representing type traits which can access the properties of types provided by the units library.
namespace  velocity
 namespace for unit types and containers representing velocity values
namespace  voltage
 namespace for unit types and containers representing voltage values
namespace  volume
 namespace for unit types and containers representing volume values


struct  base_unit
 Class representing SI base unit types. More...
struct  decibel_scale
 unit_t scale for representing decibel values. More...
struct  linear_scale
 unit_t scale which is linear More...
struct  unit
 Type representing an arbitrary unit. More...
class  unit_t
 Container for values which represent quantities of a given unit. More...
struct  unit_value_add
 adds two unit_value_t types at compile-time More...
struct  unit_value_divide
 divides two unit_value_t types at compile-time More...
struct  unit_value_multiply
 multiplies two unit_value_t types at compile-time More...
struct  unit_value_power
 raises unit_value_to a power at compile-time More...
struct  unit_value_sqrt
 calculates square root of unit_value_t at compile-time More...
struct  unit_value_subtract
 subtracts two unit_value_t types at compile-time More...
struct  unit_value_t
 Stores a rational unit value as a compile-time constant. More...


using curvature_t = units::unit_t< units::compound_unit< units::radians, units::inverse< units::meters > > >
template<class U >
using inverse = typename units::detail::inverse_impl< U >::type
 represents the inverse unit type of class U. More...
template<class U >
using squared = typename units::detail::squared_impl< U >::type
 represents the unit type of class U squared More...
template<class U >
using cubed = typename units::detail::cubed_impl< U >::type
 represents the type of class U cubed. More...
template<typename Ratio , std::intmax_t Eps = 10000000000>
using ratio_sqrt = typename units::detail::Sqrt< Ratio, std::ratio< 1, Eps > >::type
 Calculate square root of a ratio at compile-time. More...
template<class U , std::intmax_t Eps = 10000000000>
using square_root = typename units::detail::sqrt_impl< U, Eps >::type
 represents the square root of type class U. More...
template<class U , class... Us>
using compound_unit = typename units::detail::compound_impl< U, Us... >::type
 Represents a unit type made up from other units. More...
template<class U >
using atto = typename units::detail::prefix< std::atto, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'atto' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using femto = typename units::detail::prefix< std::femto, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'femto' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using pico = typename units::detail::prefix< std::pico, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'pico' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using nano = typename units::detail::prefix< std::nano, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'nano' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using micro = typename units::detail::prefix< std::micro, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'micro' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using milli = typename units::detail::prefix< std::milli, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'milli' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using centi = typename units::detail::prefix< std::centi, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'centi' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using deci = typename units::detail::prefix< std::deci, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'deci' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using deca = typename units::detail::prefix< std::deca, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'deca' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using hecto = typename units::detail::prefix< std::hecto, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'hecto' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using kilo = typename units::detail::prefix< std::kilo, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'kilo' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using mega = typename units::detail::prefix< std::mega, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'mega' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using giga = typename units::detail::prefix< std::giga, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'giga' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using tera = typename units::detail::prefix< std::tera, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'tera' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using peta = typename units::detail::prefix< std::peta, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'peta' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using exa = typename units::detail::prefix< std::exa, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the metric 'exa' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using kibi = typename units::detail::prefix< std::ratio< 1024 >, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the binary 'kibi' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using mebi = typename units::detail::prefix< std::ratio< 1048576 >, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the binary 'mibi' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using gibi = typename units::detail::prefix< std::ratio< 1073741824 >, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the binary 'gibi' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using tebi = typename units::detail::prefix< std::ratio< 1099511627776 >, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the binary 'tebi' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using pebi = typename units::detail::prefix< std::ratio< 1125899906842624 >, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the binary 'pebi' prefix appended. More...
template<class U >
using exbi = typename units::detail::prefix< std::ratio< 1152921504606846976 >, U >::type
 Represents the type of class U with the binary 'exbi' prefix appended. More...


 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (current, ampere, amperes, A, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::current_unit >) using namespace current
 UNIT_ADD (area, square_meter, square_meters, sq_m, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::area_unit >) UNIT_ADD(area
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (luminous_flux, lumen, lumens, lm, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::luminous_flux_unit >) using namespace luminous_flux
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (radiation, becquerel, becquerels, Bq, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::frequency::hertz >) UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES(radiation
compound_unit< energy::joules, inverse< mass::kilogram > > UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (radiation, sievert, sieverts, Sv, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, grays >) UNIT_ADD(radiation
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (pressure, pascal, pascals, Pa, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::pressure_unit >) UNIT_ADD(pressure
unit< std::ratio< 101325 >, pascals > UNIT_ADD (pressure, pounds_per_square_inch, pounds_per_square_inch, psi, compound_unit< force::pounds, inverse< squared< length::inch > > >) using namespace pressure
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (mass, gram, grams, g, unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, units::category::mass_unit >) UNIT_ADD(mass
unit< std::ratio< 45359237, 100000000 >, kilograms > UNIT_ADD (mass, slug, slugs, slug, unit< std::ratio< 145939029, 10000000 >, kilograms >) using namespace mass
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (voltage, volt, volts, V, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::voltage_unit >) UNIT_ADD(voltage
 UNIT_ADD (temperature, kelvin, kelvin, K, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::temperature_unit >) UNIT_ADD(temperature
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, kelvin, std::ratio< 0 >, std::ratio< 27315, 100 > > UNIT_ADD (temperature, fahrenheit, fahrenheit, degF, unit< std::ratio< 5, 9 >, celsius, std::ratio< 0 >, std::ratio<-160, 9 > >) using namespace temperature
 UNIT_ADD (concentration, ppm, parts_per_million, ppm, unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000000 >, units::category::scalar_unit >) UNIT_ADD(concentration
unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, parts_per_million > UNIT_ADD (concentration, ppt, parts_per_trillion, ppt, unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, parts_per_billion >) UNIT_ADD(concentration
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (solid_angle, steradian, steradians, sr, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::solid_angle_unit >) UNIT_ADD(solid_angle
squared< angle::degrees > UNIT_ADD (solid_angle, spat, spats, sp, unit< std::ratio< 4 >, steradians, std::ratio< 1 > >) using namespace solid_angle
 UNIT_ADD (angular_acceleration, radians_per_second_squared, radians_per_second_squared, rad_per_s_sq, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::angular_acceleration_unit >) UNIT_ADD(angular_acceleration
compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > UNIT_ADD (angular_acceleration, turns_per_second_squared, turns_per_second_squared, tr_per_s_sq, compound_unit< angle::turns, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > >) UNIT_ADD(angular_acceleration
compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > compound_unit< angle::turns, inverse< squared< time::minutes > > > UNIT_ADD (angular_acceleration, revolutions_per_minute_per_second, revolutions_per_minute_per_second, rev_per_m_per_s, compound_unit< angle::turns, compound_unit< inverse< time::minutes >, inverse< time::seconds > > >) using namespace angular_acceleration
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (conductance, siemens, siemens, S, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::conductance_unit >) using namespace conductance
 UNIT_ADD (density, kilograms_per_cubic_meter, kilograms_per_cubic_meter, kg_per_cu_m, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::density_unit >) UNIT_ADD(density
compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > UNIT_ADD (density, kilograms_per_liter, kilograms_per_liter, kg_per_L, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > >) UNIT_ADD(density
compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > UNIT_ADD (density, ounces_per_cubic_inch, ounces_per_cubic_inch, oz_per_cu_in, compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_inch > >) UNIT_ADD(density
compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::gallon > > UNIT_ADD (density, pounds_per_cubic_foot, pounds_per_cubic_foot, lb_per_cu_ft, compound_unit< mass::pounds, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > >) UNIT_ADD(density
compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::gallon > > compound_unit< mass::pounds, inverse< volume::cubic_inch > > UNIT_ADD (density, pounds_per_gallon, pounds_per_gallon, lb_per_gal, compound_unit< mass::pounds, inverse< volume::gallon > >) UNIT_ADD(density
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (energy, joule, joules, J, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::energy_unit >) UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES(energy
unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > UNIT_ADD (energy, kilowatt_hour, kilowatt_hours, kWh, unit< std::ratio< 36, 10 >, megajoules >) UNIT_ADD(energy
unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > UNIT_ADD (energy, british_thermal_unit, british_thermal_units, BTU, unit< std::ratio< 105505585262, 100000000 >, joules >) UNIT_ADD(energy
unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > unit< std::ratio< 1055056, 1000 >, joules > UNIT_ADD (energy, british_thermal_unit_59, british_thermal_units_59, BTU59, unit< std::ratio< 1054804, 1000 >, joules >) UNIT_ADD(energy
unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > unit< std::ratio< 1055056, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 100000 >, british_thermal_units_59 > UNIT_ADD (energy, foot_pound, foot_pounds, ftlbf, unit< std::ratio< 13558179483314004, 10000000000000000 >, joules >) using namespace energy
 UNIT_ADD (substance, mole, moles, mol, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::substance_unit >) using namespace substance
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_AND_BINARY_PREFIXES (data_transfer_rate, bytes_per_second, bytes_per_second, Bps, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::data_transfer_rate_unit >) UNIT_ADD(data_transfer_rate
unit< std::ratio< 1000 >, petabytes_per_second > UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_AND_BINARY_PREFIXES (data_transfer_rate, bits_per_second, bits_per_second, bps, unit< std::ratio< 1, 8 >, bytes_per_second >) UNIT_ADD(data_transfer_rate
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (angle, radian, radians, rad, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::angle_unit >) UNIT_ADD(angle
unit< std::ratio< 1, 180 >, radians, std::ratio< 1 > > UNIT_ADD (angle, arcsecond, arcseconds, arcsec, unit< std::ratio< 1, 60 >, arcminutes >) using namespace angle
 UNIT_ADD (volume, cubic_meter, cubic_meters, cu_m, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::volume_unit >) UNIT_ADD(volume
cubed< length::millimeter > UNIT_ADD (volume, cubic_kilometer, cubic_kilometers, cu_km, cubed< length::kilometer >) UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES(volume
cubed< length::millimeter > cubed< deci< length::meter > > UNIT_ADD (volume, bushel, bushels, bu, unit< std::ratio< 215042, 100 >, cubic_inches >) UNIT_ADD(volume
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (charge, coulomb, coulombs, C, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::charge_unit >) UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES(charge
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (magnetic_flux, weber, webers, Wb, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::magnetic_flux_unit >) UNIT_ADD(magnetic_flux
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (capacitance, farad, farads, F, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::capacitance_unit >) using namespace capacitance
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_AND_BINARY_PREFIXES (data, byte, bytes, B, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::data_unit >) UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_AND_BINARY_PREFIXES(data
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (force, newton, newtons, N, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::force_unit >) UNIT_ADD(force
compound_unit< mass::slug, length::foot, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > UNIT_ADD (force, kilopond, kiloponds, kp, compound_unit< acceleration::standard_gravity, mass::kilograms >) UNIT_ADD(force
 UNIT_ADD (acceleration, meters_per_second_squared, meters_per_second_squared, mps_sq, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::acceleration_unit >) UNIT_ADD(acceleration
compound_unit< length::feet, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > UNIT_ADD (acceleration, standard_gravity, standard_gravity, SG, unit< std::ratio< 980665, 100000 >, meters_per_second_squared >) using namespace acceleration
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (inductance, henry, henries, H, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::inductance_unit >) using namespace inductance
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (frequency, hertz, hertz, Hz, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::frequency_unit >) using namespace frequency
 UNIT_ADD (angular_velocity, radians_per_second, radians_per_second, rad_per_s, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::angular_velocity_unit >) UNIT_ADD(angular_velocity
compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< time::seconds > > UNIT_ADD (angular_velocity, turns_per_second, turns_per_second, tps, compound_unit< angle::turns, inverse< time::seconds > >) UNIT_ADD(angular_velocity
compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< time::seconds > > unit< std::ratio< 2, 60 >, radians_per_second, std::ratio< 1 > > UNIT_ADD (angular_velocity, milliarcseconds_per_year, milliarcseconds_per_year, mas_per_yr, compound_unit< angle::milliarcseconds, inverse< time::year > >) using namespace angular_velocity
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (impedance, ohm, ohms, Ohm, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::impedance_unit >) using namespace impedance
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (time, second, seconds, s, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::time_unit >) UNIT_ADD(time
unit< std::ratio< 31557600 >, seconds > UNIT_ADD (time, gregorian_year, gregorian_years, a_g, unit< std::ratio< 31556952 >, seconds >) using namespace time
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (magnetic_field_strength, tesla, teslas, Te, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::magnetic_field_strength_unit >) UNIT_ADD(magnetic_field_strength
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (power, watt, watts, W, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::power_unit >) using namespace power
 UNIT_ADD (velocity, meters_per_second, meters_per_second, mps, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::velocity_unit >) UNIT_ADD(velocity
compound_unit< length::feet, inverse< time::seconds > > UNIT_ADD (velocity, miles_per_hour, miles_per_hour, mph, compound_unit< length::miles, inverse< time::hour > >) UNIT_ADD(velocity
compound_unit< length::feet, inverse< time::seconds > > compound_unit< length::kilometers, inverse< time::hour > > UNIT_ADD (velocity, knot, knots, kts, compound_unit< length::nauticalMiles, inverse< time::hour > >) using namespace velocity
 UNIT_ADD (moment_of_inertia, kilogram_square_meter, kilogram_square_meters, kg_sq_m, compound_unit< mass::kilograms, area::square_meters >) using namespace moment_of_inertia
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (luminous_intensity, candela, candelas, cd, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::luminous_intensity_unit >) using namespace luminous_intensity
 UNIT_ADD (torque, newton_meter, newton_meters, Nm, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::energy::joule >) UNIT_ADD(torque
compound_unit< length::foot, force::pounds > UNIT_ADD (torque, foot_poundal, foot_poundals, ftpdl, compound_unit< length::foot, force::poundal >) UNIT_ADD(torque
compound_unit< length::foot, force::pounds > compound_unit< length::inch, force::pounds > UNIT_ADD (torque, meter_kilogram, meter_kilograms, mkgf, compound_unit< length::meter, force::kiloponds >) using namespace torque
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (illuminance, lux, luxes, lx, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::illuminance_unit >) UNIT_ADD(illuminance
compound_unit< luminous_flux::lumen, inverse< squared< length::foot > > > UNIT_ADD (illuminance, lumens_per_square_inch, lumens_per_square_inch, lm_per_in_sq, compound_unit< luminous_flux::lumen, inverse< squared< length::inch > > >) UNIT_ADD(illuminance
 UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES (length, meter, meters, m, unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::length_unit >) UNIT_ADD(length
unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > UNIT_ADD (length, astronicalUnit, astronicalUnits, au, unit< std::ratio< 149597870700 >, meters >) UNIT_ADD(length
unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > unit< std::ratio< 9460730472580800 >, meters > UNIT_ADD (length, parsec, parsecs, pc, unit< std::ratio< 648000 >, astronicalUnits, std::ratio<-1 > >) UNIT_ADD(length
unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > unit< std::ratio< 9460730472580800 >, meters > unit< std::ratio< 1, 10 >, nanometers > UNIT_ADD (length, nauticalLeague, nauticalLeagues, nl, unit< std::ratio< 3 >, nauticalMiles >) using namespace length
template<typename T >
constexpr const char * name (const T &)
template<typename T >
constexpr const char * abbreviation (const T &)
template<class UnitFrom , class UnitTo , typename T = UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE>
static constexpr T convert (const T &value) noexcept
 converts a value from one type to another. More...
template<class UnitType , typename T , class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>>
constexpr UnitType make_unit (const T value) noexcept
 Constructs a unit container from an arithmetic type. More...
template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale, typename RhsType >
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > & operator+= (unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &lhs, const RhsType &rhs) noexcept
template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale, typename RhsType >
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > & operator-= (unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &lhs, const RhsType &rhs) noexcept
template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale, typename RhsType >
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > & operator*= (unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &lhs, const RhsType &rhs) noexcept
template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale, typename RhsType >
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > & operator/= (unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &lhs, const RhsType &rhs) noexcept
template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale>
constexpr unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > operator+ (const unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &u) noexcept
template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale>
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > & operator++ (unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &u) noexcept
template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale>
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > operator++ (unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &u, int) noexcept
template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale>
constexpr unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > operator- (const unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &u) noexcept
template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale>
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > & operator-- (unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &u) noexcept
template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale>
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > operator-- (unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &u, int) noexcept
template<typename T , typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value && traits::is_unit_t<Units>::value>>
constexpr T unit_cast (const Units &value) noexcept
 Casts a unit container to an arithmetic type. More...
template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t<!traits::is_same_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr int operator+ (const UnitTypeLhs &, const UnitTypeRhs &) noexcept
template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs operator+ (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept
 Addition operator for unit_t types with a linear_scale. More...
template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr dimensionless::scalar_t operator+ (const dimensionless::scalar_t &lhs, T rhs) noexcept
 Addition operator for scalar unit_t types with a linear_scale. Scalar types can be implicitly converted to built-in types. More...
template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr dimensionless::scalar_t operator+ (T lhs, const dimensionless::scalar_t &rhs) noexcept
 Addition operator for scalar unit_t types with a linear_scale. Scalar types can be implicitly converted to built-in types. More...
template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs operator- (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept
 Subtraction operator for unit_t types with a linear_scale. More...
template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr dimensionless::scalar_t operator- (const dimensionless::scalar_t &lhs, T rhs) noexcept
 Subtraction operator for scalar unit_t types with a linear_scale. Scalar types can be implicitly converted to built-in types. More...
template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr dimensionless::scalar_t operator- (T lhs, const dimensionless::scalar_t &rhs) noexcept
 Subtraction operator for scalar unit_t types with a linear_scale. Scalar types can be implicitly converted to built-in types. More...
template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::is_convertible_unit_t< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr auto operator* (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept -> unit_t< compound_unit< squared< typename units::traits::unit_t_traits< UnitTypeLhs >::unit_type > > >
 Multiplication type for convertible unit_t types with a linear scale. More...
template<class UnitTypeLhs , typename UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeLhs >::value &&traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs operator* (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept
 Multiplication by a dimensionless unit for unit_t types with a linear scale. More...
template<class UnitTypeLhs , typename UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeLhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeRhs operator* (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept
 Multiplication by a dimensionless unit for unit_t types with a linear scale. More...
template<class UnitTypeLhs , typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs operator* (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, T rhs) noexcept
 Multiplication by a scalar for unit_t types with a linear scale. More...
template<class UnitTypeRhs , typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeRhs operator* (T lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept
 Multiplication by a scalar for unit_t types with a linear scale. More...
template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::is_convertible_unit_t< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr dimensionless::scalar_t operator/ (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept
 Division for convertible unit_t types with a linear scale. More...
template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t<!traits::is_convertible_unit_t< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeLhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr auto operator/ (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept -> unit_t< compound_unit< typename units::traits::unit_t_traits< UnitTypeLhs >::unit_type, inverse< typename units::traits::unit_t_traits< UnitTypeRhs >::unit_type > > >
 Division for non-convertible unit_t types with a linear scale. More...
template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeLhs >::value &&traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs operator/ (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept
 Division by a dimensionless unit for unit_t types with a linear scale. More...
template<class UnitTypeLhs , typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs operator/ (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, T rhs) noexcept
 Division by a scalar for unit_t types with a linear scale. More...
template<class UnitTypeRhs , typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr auto operator/ (T lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept -> unit_t< inverse< typename units::traits::unit_t_traits< UnitTypeRhs >::unit_type > >
 Division of a scalar by a unit_t type with a linear scale. More...
template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool operator== (const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE lhs, const Units &rhs) noexcept
template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool operator== (const Units &lhs, const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE rhs) noexcept
template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool operator!= (const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE lhs, const Units &rhs) noexcept
template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool operator!= (const Units &lhs, const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE rhs) noexcept
template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool operator>= (const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE lhs, const Units &rhs) noexcept
template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool operator>= (const Units &lhs, const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE rhs) noexcept
template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool operator> (const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE lhs, const Units &rhs) noexcept
template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool operator> (const Units &lhs, const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE rhs) noexcept
template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool operator<= (const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE lhs, const Units &rhs) noexcept
template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool operator<= (const Units &lhs, const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE rhs) noexcept
template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool operator< (const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE lhs, const Units &rhs) noexcept
template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool operator< (const Units &lhs, const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE rhs) noexcept
template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_decibel_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr auto operator+ (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept -> unit_t< compound_unit< squared< typename units::traits::unit_t_traits< UnitTypeLhs >::unit_type > >, typename units::traits::unit_t_traits< UnitTypeLhs >::underlying_type, decibel_scale >
 Addition for convertible unit_t types with a decibel_scale. More...
template<class UnitTypeLhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_decibel_scale< UnitTypeLhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeLhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs operator+ (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, const dimensionless::dB_t &rhs) noexcept
 Addition between unit_t types with a decibel_scale and dimensionless dB units. More...
template<class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_decibel_scale< UnitTypeRhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeRhs operator+ (const dimensionless::dB_t &lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept
 Addition between unit_t types with a decibel_scale and dimensionless dB units. More...
template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_decibel_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr auto operator- (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept -> unit_t< compound_unit< typename units::traits::unit_t_traits< UnitTypeLhs >::unit_type, inverse< typename units::traits::unit_t_traits< UnitTypeRhs >::unit_type > >, typename units::traits::unit_t_traits< UnitTypeLhs >::underlying_type, decibel_scale >
 Subtraction for convertible unit_t types with a decibel_scale. More...
template<class UnitTypeLhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_decibel_scale< UnitTypeLhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeLhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs operator- (const UnitTypeLhs &lhs, const dimensionless::dB_t &rhs) noexcept
 Subtraction between unit_t types with a decibel_scale and dimensionless dB units. More...
template<class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_decibel_scale< UnitTypeRhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr auto operator- (const dimensionless::dB_t &lhs, const UnitTypeRhs &rhs) noexcept -> unit_t< inverse< typename units::traits::unit_t_traits< UnitTypeRhs >::unit_type >, typename units::traits::unit_t_traits< UnitTypeRhs >::underlying_type, decibel_scale >
 Subtraction between unit_t types with a decibel_scale and dimensionless dB units. More...


compound_unit< energy::joules, inverse< mass::kilogram > > rutherford
compound_unit< energy::joules, inverse< mass::kilogram > > rutherfords
compound_unit< energy::joules, inverse< mass::kilogram > > rd
unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, parts_per_million > percent
unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, parts_per_million > pct
compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > revolutions_per_minute_squared
compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > rev_per_m_sq
compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > ounces_per_cubic_foot
compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > oz_per_cu_ft
compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > ounces_per_gallon
compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > oz_per_gal
compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::gallon > > pounds_per_cubic_inch
compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::gallon > > lb_per_cu_in
compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::gallon > > compound_unit< mass::pounds, inverse< volume::cubic_inch > > slugs_per_cubic_foot
compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::gallon > > compound_unit< mass::pounds, inverse< volume::cubic_inch > > slug_per_cu_ft
unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > watt_hour
unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > watt_hours
unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > Wh
unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > british_thermal_unit_iso
unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > british_thermal_units_iso
unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > BTU_iso
unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > unit< std::ratio< 1055056, 1000 >, joules > therm
unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > unit< std::ratio< 1055056, 1000 >, joules > therms
unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > unit< std::ratio< 1055056, 1000 >, joules > thm
unit< std::ratio< 1000 >, petabytes_per_second > exabits_per_second
unit< std::ratio< 1000 >, petabytes_per_second > Ebps
cubed< length::millimeter > liter
cubed< length::millimeter > liters
cubed< length::millimeter > L
cubed< length::millimeter > cubed< deci< length::meter > > tablespoon
cubed< length::millimeter > cubed< deci< length::meter > > tablespoons
cubed< length::millimeter > cubed< deci< length::meter > > tbsp
compound_unit< mass::slug, length::foot, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > poundal
compound_unit< mass::slug, length::foot, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > poundals
compound_unit< mass::slug, length::foot, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > pdl
compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< time::seconds > > revolutions_per_minute
compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< time::seconds > > rpm
compound_unit< length::feet, inverse< time::seconds > > kilometers_per_hour
compound_unit< length::feet, inverse< time::seconds > > kph
compound_unit< length::foot, force::pounds > inch_pound
compound_unit< length::foot, force::pounds > inch_pounds
compound_unit< length::foot, force::pounds > inlb
compound_unit< luminous_flux::lumen, inverse< squared< length::foot > > > phot
compound_unit< luminous_flux::lumen, inverse< squared< length::foot > > > phots
compound_unit< luminous_flux::lumen, inverse< squared< length::foot > > > ph
unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > lightyear
unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > lightyears
unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > ly
unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > unit< std::ratio< 9460730472580800 >, meters > angstrom
unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > unit< std::ratio< 9460730472580800 >, meters > angstroms

Detailed Description

Unit Conversion Library namespace.

Typedef Documentation

◆ curvature_t

using units::curvature_t = typedef units::unit_t< units::compound_unit<units::radians, units::inverse<units::meters> >>

Function Documentation

◆ abbreviation()

template<typename T >
constexpr const char * units::abbreviation ( const T &  )

◆ name()

template<typename T >
constexpr const char * units::name ( const T &  )

◆ operator!=() [1/2]

template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool units::operator!= ( const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE  lhs,
const Units &  rhs 

◆ operator!=() [2/2]

template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool units::operator!= ( const Units &  lhs,

◆ operator*() [1/5]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , typename UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeLhs >::value &&traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs units::operator* ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 

Multiplication by a dimensionless unit for unit_t types with a linear scale.

◆ operator*() [2/5]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , typename UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeLhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeRhs units::operator* ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 

Multiplication by a dimensionless unit for unit_t types with a linear scale.

◆ operator*() [3/5]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::is_convertible_unit_t< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr auto units::operator* ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 
) -> unit_t<compound_unit<squared<typename units::traits::unit_t_traits<UnitTypeLhs>::unit_type>>>

Multiplication type for convertible unit_t types with a linear scale.

Multiplication type for non-convertible unit_t types with a linear scale.

the multiplied value, with the same type as left-hand side unit.
the multiplied value, whose type is a compound unit of the left and right hand side values.

◆ operator*() [4/5]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs units::operator* ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,

Multiplication by a scalar for unit_t types with a linear scale.

◆ operator*() [5/5]

template<class UnitTypeRhs , typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeRhs units::operator* ( lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 

Multiplication by a scalar for unit_t types with a linear scale.

◆ operator*=()

template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale, typename RhsType >
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > & units::operator*= ( unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &  lhs,
const RhsType &  rhs 

◆ operator+() [1/8]

template<class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_decibel_scale< UnitTypeRhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeRhs units::operator+ ( const dimensionless::dB_t lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 

Addition between unit_t types with a decibel_scale and dimensionless dB units.

◆ operator+() [2/8]

template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr dimensionless::scalar_t units::operator+ ( const dimensionless::scalar_t lhs,

Addition operator for scalar unit_t types with a linear_scale. Scalar types can be implicitly converted to built-in types.

◆ operator+() [3/8]

template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale>
constexpr unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > units::operator+ ( const unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &  u)

◆ operator+() [4/8]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t<!traits::is_same_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr int units::operator+ ( const UnitTypeLhs &  ,
const UnitTypeRhs &   

◆ operator+() [5/8]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_decibel_scale< UnitTypeLhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeLhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs units::operator+ ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,
const dimensionless::dB_t rhs 

Addition between unit_t types with a decibel_scale and dimensionless dB units.

◆ operator+() [6/8]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs units::operator+ ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 

Addition operator for unit_t types with a linear_scale.

◆ operator+() [7/8]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_decibel_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr auto units::operator+ ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 
) -> unit_t<compound_unit<squared<typename units::traits::unit_t_traits<UnitTypeLhs>::unit_type>>, typename units::traits::unit_t_traits<UnitTypeLhs>::underlying_type, decibel_scale>

Addition for convertible unit_t types with a decibel_scale.

◆ operator+() [8/8]

template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr dimensionless::scalar_t units::operator+ ( lhs,
const dimensionless::scalar_t rhs 

Addition operator for scalar unit_t types with a linear_scale. Scalar types can be implicitly converted to built-in types.

◆ operator++() [1/2]

template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale>
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > & units::operator++ ( unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &  u)

◆ operator++() [2/2]

template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale>
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > units::operator++ ( unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &  u,

◆ operator+=()

template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale, typename RhsType >
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > & units::operator+= ( unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &  lhs,
const RhsType &  rhs 

◆ operator-() [1/7]

template<class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_decibel_scale< UnitTypeRhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr auto units::operator- ( const dimensionless::dB_t lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 
) -> unit_t<inverse<typename units::traits::unit_t_traits<UnitTypeRhs>::unit_type>, typename units::traits::unit_t_traits<UnitTypeRhs>::underlying_type, decibel_scale>

Subtraction between unit_t types with a decibel_scale and dimensionless dB units.

◆ operator-() [2/7]

template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr dimensionless::scalar_t units::operator- ( const dimensionless::scalar_t lhs,

Subtraction operator for scalar unit_t types with a linear_scale. Scalar types can be implicitly converted to built-in types.

◆ operator-() [3/7]

template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale>
constexpr unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > units::operator- ( const unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &  u)

◆ operator-() [4/7]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_decibel_scale< UnitTypeLhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeLhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs units::operator- ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,
const dimensionless::dB_t rhs 

Subtraction between unit_t types with a decibel_scale and dimensionless dB units.

◆ operator-() [5/7]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs units::operator- ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 

Subtraction operator for unit_t types with a linear_scale.

◆ operator-() [6/7]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_decibel_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr auto units::operator- ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 
) -> unit_t<compound_unit<typename units::traits::unit_t_traits<UnitTypeLhs>::unit_type, inverse<typename units::traits::unit_t_traits<UnitTypeRhs>::unit_type>>, typename units::traits::unit_t_traits<UnitTypeLhs>::underlying_type, decibel_scale>

Subtraction for convertible unit_t types with a decibel_scale.

◆ operator-() [7/7]

template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr dimensionless::scalar_t units::operator- ( lhs,
const dimensionless::scalar_t rhs 

Subtraction operator for scalar unit_t types with a linear_scale. Scalar types can be implicitly converted to built-in types.

◆ operator--() [1/2]

template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale>
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > & units::operator-- ( unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &  u)

◆ operator--() [2/2]

template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale>
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > units::operator-- ( unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &  u,

◆ operator-=()

template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale, typename RhsType >
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > & units::operator-= ( unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &  lhs,
const RhsType &  rhs 

◆ operator/() [1/5]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::is_convertible_unit_t< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr dimensionless::scalar_t units::operator/ ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 

Division for convertible unit_t types with a linear scale.

the lhs divided by rhs value, whose type is a scalar

◆ operator/() [2/5]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t< traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeLhs >::value &&traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs units::operator/ ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 

Division by a dimensionless unit for unit_t types with a linear scale.

◆ operator/() [3/5]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , class UnitTypeRhs , std::enable_if_t<!traits::is_convertible_unit_t< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs, UnitTypeRhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeLhs >::value &&!traits::is_dimensionless_unit< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr auto units::operator/ ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 
) -> unit_t<compound_unit<typename units::traits::unit_t_traits<UnitTypeLhs>::unit_type, inverse<typename units::traits::unit_t_traits<UnitTypeRhs>::unit_type>>>

Division for non-convertible unit_t types with a linear scale.

Division of a dimensionless unit by a unit_t type with a linear scale.

the lhs divided by the rhs, with a compound unit type of lhs/rhs

◆ operator/() [4/5]

template<class UnitTypeLhs , typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeLhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr UnitTypeLhs units::operator/ ( const UnitTypeLhs &  lhs,

Division by a scalar for unit_t types with a linear scale.

◆ operator/() [5/5]

template<class UnitTypeRhs , typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value &&traits::has_linear_scale< UnitTypeRhs >::value, int > = 0>
constexpr auto units::operator/ ( lhs,
const UnitTypeRhs &  rhs 
) -> unit_t<inverse<typename units::traits::unit_t_traits<UnitTypeRhs>::unit_type>>

Division of a scalar by a unit_t type with a linear scale.

◆ operator/=()

template<class Units , typename T , template< typename > class NonLinearScale, typename RhsType >
unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > & units::operator/= ( unit_t< Units, T, NonLinearScale > &  lhs,
const RhsType &  rhs 

◆ operator<() [1/2]

template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool units::operator< ( const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE  lhs,
const Units &  rhs 

◆ operator<() [2/2]

template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool units::operator< ( const Units &  lhs,

◆ operator<=() [1/2]

template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool units::operator<= ( const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE  lhs,
const Units &  rhs 

◆ operator<=() [2/2]

template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool units::operator<= ( const Units &  lhs,

◆ operator==() [1/2]

template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool units::operator== ( const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE  lhs,
const Units &  rhs 

◆ operator==() [2/2]

template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool units::operator== ( const Units &  lhs,

◆ operator>() [1/2]

template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool units::operator> ( const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE  lhs,
const Units &  rhs 

◆ operator>() [2/2]

template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool units::operator> ( const Units &  lhs,

◆ operator>=() [1/2]

template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool units::operator>= ( const UNIT_LIB_DEFAULT_TYPE  lhs,
const Units &  rhs 

◆ operator>=() [2/2]

template<typename Units , class = std::enable_if_t<units::traits::is_dimensionless_unit<Units>::value>>
constexpr bool units::operator>= ( const Units &  lhs,

◆ UNIT_ADD() [1/43]

units::UNIT_ADD ( acceleration  ,
meters_per_second_squared  ,
meters_per_second_squared  ,
mps_sq  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::acceleration_unit  

◆ UNIT_ADD() [2/43]

compound_unit< length::feet, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > units::UNIT_ADD ( acceleration  ,
standard_gravity  ,
standard_gravity  ,
SG  ,
unit< std::ratio< 980665, 100000 >, meters_per_second_squared >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [3/43]

unit< std::ratio< 1, 180 >, radians, std::ratio< 1 > > units::UNIT_ADD ( angle  ,
arcsecond  ,
arcseconds  ,
arcsec  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1, 60 >, arcminutes >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [4/43]

units::UNIT_ADD ( angular_acceleration  ,
radians_per_second_squared  ,
radians_per_second_squared  ,
rad_per_s_sq  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::angular_acceleration_unit  

◆ UNIT_ADD() [5/43]

compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > compound_unit< angle::turns, inverse< squared< time::minutes > > > units::UNIT_ADD ( angular_acceleration  ,
revolutions_per_minute_per_second  ,
revolutions_per_minute_per_second  ,
rev_per_m_per_s  ,
compound_unit< angle::turns, compound_unit< inverse< time::minutes >, inverse< time::seconds > > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [6/43]

compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > units::UNIT_ADD ( angular_acceleration  ,
turns_per_second_squared  ,
turns_per_second_squared  ,
tr_per_s_sq  ,
compound_unit< angle::turns, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [7/43]

compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< time::seconds > > unit< std::ratio< 2, 60 >, radians_per_second, std::ratio< 1 > > units::UNIT_ADD ( angular_velocity  ,
milliarcseconds_per_year  ,
milliarcseconds_per_year  ,
mas_per_yr  ,
compound_unit< angle::milliarcseconds, inverse< time::year > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [8/43]

units::UNIT_ADD ( angular_velocity  ,
radians_per_second  ,
radians_per_second  ,
rad_per_s  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::angular_velocity_unit  

◆ UNIT_ADD() [9/43]

compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< time::seconds > > units::UNIT_ADD ( angular_velocity  ,
turns_per_second  ,
turns_per_second  ,
tps  ,
compound_unit< angle::turns, inverse< time::seconds > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [10/43]

units::UNIT_ADD ( area  ,
square_meter  ,
square_meters  ,
sq_m  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::area_unit  

◆ UNIT_ADD() [11/43]

units::UNIT_ADD ( concentration  ,
ppm  ,
parts_per_million  ,
ppm  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000000 >, units::category::scalar_unit  

◆ UNIT_ADD() [12/43]

unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, parts_per_million > units::UNIT_ADD ( concentration  ,
ppt  ,
parts_per_trillion  ,
ppt  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, parts_per_billion  

◆ UNIT_ADD() [13/43]

units::UNIT_ADD ( density  ,
kilograms_per_cubic_meter  ,
kilograms_per_cubic_meter  ,
kg_per_cu_m  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::density_unit  

◆ UNIT_ADD() [14/43]

compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > units::UNIT_ADD ( density  ,
kilograms_per_liter  ,
kilograms_per_liter  ,
kg_per_L  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [15/43]

compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > units::UNIT_ADD ( density  ,
ounces_per_cubic_inch  ,
ounces_per_cubic_inch  ,
oz_per_cu_in  ,
compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_inch > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [16/43]

compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::gallon > > units::UNIT_ADD ( density  ,
pounds_per_cubic_foot  ,
pounds_per_cubic_foot  ,
lb_per_cu_ft  ,
compound_unit< mass::pounds, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [17/43]

compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::gallon > > compound_unit< mass::pounds, inverse< volume::cubic_inch > > units::UNIT_ADD ( density  ,
pounds_per_gallon  ,
pounds_per_gallon  ,
lb_per_gal  ,
compound_unit< mass::pounds, inverse< volume::gallon > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [18/43]

unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > units::UNIT_ADD ( energy  ,
british_thermal_unit  ,
british_thermal_units  ,
BTU  ,
unit< std::ratio< 105505585262, 100000000 >, joules >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [19/43]

unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > unit< std::ratio< 1055056, 1000 >, joules > units::UNIT_ADD ( energy  ,
british_thermal_unit_59  ,
british_thermal_units_59  ,
BTU59  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1054804, 1000 >, joules >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [20/43]

unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > unit< std::ratio< 1055056, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 100000 >, british_thermal_units_59 > units::UNIT_ADD ( energy  ,
foot_pound  ,
foot_pounds  ,
ftlbf  ,
unit< std::ratio< 13558179483314004, 10000000000000000 >, joules >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [21/43]

unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > units::UNIT_ADD ( energy  ,
kilowatt_hour  ,
kilowatt_hours  ,
kWh  ,
unit< std::ratio< 36, 10 >, megajoules >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [22/43]

compound_unit< mass::slug, length::foot, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > units::UNIT_ADD ( force  ,
kilopond  ,
kiloponds  ,
kp  ,
compound_unit< acceleration::standard_gravity, mass::kilograms >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [23/43]

compound_unit< luminous_flux::lumen, inverse< squared< length::foot > > > units::UNIT_ADD ( illuminance  ,
lumens_per_square_inch  ,
lumens_per_square_inch  ,
lm_per_in_sq  ,
compound_unit< luminous_flux::lumen, inverse< squared< length::inch > > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [24/43]

unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > units::UNIT_ADD ( length  ,
astronicalUnit  ,
astronicalUnits  ,
au  ,
unit< std::ratio< 149597870700 >, meters >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [25/43]

unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > unit< std::ratio< 9460730472580800 >, meters > unit< std::ratio< 1, 10 >, nanometers > units::UNIT_ADD ( length  ,
nauticalLeague  ,
nauticalLeagues  ,
nl  ,
unit< std::ratio< 3 >, nauticalMiles  

◆ UNIT_ADD() [26/43]

unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > unit< std::ratio< 9460730472580800 >, meters > units::UNIT_ADD ( length  ,
parsec  ,
parsecs  ,
pc  ,
unit< std::ratio< 648000 >, astronicalUnits, std::ratio<-1 > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [27/43]

unit< std::ratio< 45359237, 100000000 >, kilograms > units::UNIT_ADD ( mass  ,
slug  ,
slugs  ,
slug  ,
unit< std::ratio< 145939029, 10000000 >, kilograms >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [28/43]

units::UNIT_ADD ( moment_of_inertia  ,
kilogram_square_meter  ,
kilogram_square_meters  ,
kg_sq_m  ,
compound_unit< mass::kilograms, area::square_meters >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [29/43]

unit< std::ratio< 101325 >, pascals > units::UNIT_ADD ( pressure  ,
pounds_per_square_inch  ,
pounds_per_square_inch  ,
psi  ,
compound_unit< force::pounds, inverse< squared< length::inch > > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [30/43]

squared< angle::degrees > units::UNIT_ADD ( solid_angle  ,
spat  ,
spats  ,
sp  ,
unit< std::ratio< 4 >, steradians, std::ratio< 1 > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [31/43]

units::UNIT_ADD ( substance  ,
mole  ,
moles  ,
mol  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::substance_unit  

◆ UNIT_ADD() [32/43]

unit< std::ratio< 1 >, kelvin, std::ratio< 0 >, std::ratio< 27315, 100 > > units::UNIT_ADD ( temperature  ,
fahrenheit  ,
fahrenheit  ,
degF  ,
unit< std::ratio< 5, 9 >, celsius, std::ratio< 0 >, std::ratio<-160, 9 > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [33/43]

units::UNIT_ADD ( temperature  ,
kelvin  ,
kelvin  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::temperature_unit  

◆ UNIT_ADD() [34/43]

unit< std::ratio< 31557600 >, seconds > units::UNIT_ADD ( time  ,
gregorian_year  ,
gregorian_years  ,
a_g  ,
unit< std::ratio< 31556952 >, seconds >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [35/43]

compound_unit< length::foot, force::pounds > units::UNIT_ADD ( torque  ,
foot_poundal  ,
foot_poundals  ,
ftpdl  ,
compound_unit< length::foot, force::poundal >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [36/43]

compound_unit< length::foot, force::pounds > compound_unit< length::inch, force::pounds > units::UNIT_ADD ( torque  ,
meter_kilogram  ,
meter_kilograms  ,
mkgf  ,
compound_unit< length::meter, force::kiloponds >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [37/43]

units::UNIT_ADD ( torque  ,
newton_meter  ,
newton_meters  ,
Nm  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::energy::joule >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [38/43]

compound_unit< length::feet, inverse< time::seconds > > compound_unit< length::kilometers, inverse< time::hour > > units::UNIT_ADD ( velocity  ,
knot  ,
knots  ,
kts  ,
compound_unit< length::nauticalMiles, inverse< time::hour > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [39/43]

units::UNIT_ADD ( velocity  ,
meters_per_second  ,
meters_per_second  ,
mps  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::velocity_unit  

◆ UNIT_ADD() [40/43]

compound_unit< length::feet, inverse< time::seconds > > units::UNIT_ADD ( velocity  ,
miles_per_hour  ,
miles_per_hour  ,
mph  ,
compound_unit< length::miles, inverse< time::hour > >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [41/43]

cubed< length::millimeter > cubed< deci< length::meter > > units::UNIT_ADD ( volume  ,
bushel  ,
bushels  ,
bu  ,
unit< std::ratio< 215042, 100 >, cubic_inches >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [42/43]

cubed< length::millimeter > units::UNIT_ADD ( volume  ,
cubic_kilometer  ,
cubic_kilometers  ,
cu_km  ,
cubed< length::kilometer >   

◆ UNIT_ADD() [43/43]

units::UNIT_ADD ( volume  ,
cubic_meter  ,
cubic_meters  ,
cu_m  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::volume_unit  


byte  ,
bytes  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::data_unit  


unit< std::ratio< 1000 >, petabytes_per_second > units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_AND_BINARY_PREFIXES ( data_transfer_rate  ,
bits_per_second  ,
bits_per_second  ,
bps  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1, 8 >, bytes_per_second >   


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_AND_BINARY_PREFIXES ( data_transfer_rate  ,
bytes_per_second  ,
bytes_per_second  ,
Bps  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::data_transfer_rate_unit  


radian  ,
radians  ,
rad  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::angle_unit  


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( capacitance  ,
farad  ,
farads  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::capacitance_unit  


coulomb  ,
coulombs  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::charge_unit  


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( conductance  ,
siemens  ,
siemens  ,
S  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::conductance_unit  


ampere  ,
amperes  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::current_unit  


joule  ,
joules  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::energy_unit  


newton  ,
newtons  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::force_unit  


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( frequency  ,
hertz  ,
hertz  ,
Hz  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::frequency_unit  


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( illuminance  ,
lux  ,
luxes  ,
lx  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::illuminance_unit  


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( impedance  ,
ohm  ,
ohms  ,
Ohm  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::impedance_unit  


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( inductance  ,
henry  ,
henries  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::inductance_unit  


meter  ,
meters  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::length_unit  


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( luminous_flux  ,
lumen  ,
lumens  ,
lm  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::luminous_flux_unit  


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( luminous_intensity  ,
candela  ,
candelas  ,
cd  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::luminous_intensity_unit  


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( magnetic_field_strength  ,
tesla  ,
teslas  ,
Te  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::magnetic_field_strength_unit  


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( magnetic_flux  ,
weber  ,
webers  ,
Wb  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::magnetic_flux_unit  


gram  ,
grams  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, units::category::mass_unit  


watt  ,
watts  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::power_unit  


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( pressure  ,
pascal  ,
pascals  ,
Pa  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::pressure_unit  


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( radiation  ,
becquerel  ,
becquerels  ,
Bq  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::frequency::hertz >   


compound_unit< energy::joules, inverse< mass::kilogram > > units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( radiation  ,
sievert  ,
sieverts  ,
Sv  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, grays  


units::UNIT_ADD_WITH_METRIC_PREFIXES ( solid_angle  ,
steradian  ,
steradians  ,
sr  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::solid_angle_unit  


second  ,
seconds  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::time_unit  


volt  ,
volts  ,
unit< std::ratio< 1 >, units::category::voltage_unit  

Variable Documentation

◆ a_j


◆ Ah


◆ ampere_hour


◆ ampere_hours


◆ angstrom

unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > unit< std::ratio< 9460730472580800 >, meters > units::angstrom

◆ angstroms

unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > unit< std::ratio< 9460730472580800 >, meters > units::angstroms

◆ atm


◆ atmosphere


◆ atmospheres


◆ b


◆ bit


◆ bits


◆ british_thermal_unit_iso

unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > units::british_thermal_unit_iso

◆ british_thermal_units_iso

unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > units::british_thermal_units_iso

◆ BTU_iso

unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > units::BTU_iso

◆ cal


◆ calorie


◆ calories


◆ celsius


◆ cu_mm


◆ cubic_millimeter


◆ cubic_millimeters


◆ deg


◆ deg_per_s


◆ deg_per_s_sq


◆ degC


◆ degree


◆ degree_squared


◆ degrees


◆ degrees_per_second


◆ degrees_per_second_squared


◆ degrees_squared


◆ EBps


◆ Ebps

unit< std::ratio< 1000 >, petabytes_per_second > units::Ebps

◆ exabits_per_second

unit< std::ratio< 1000 >, petabytes_per_second > units::exabits_per_second

◆ exabytes_per_second


◆ fc


◆ feet_per_second


◆ feet_per_second_squared


◆ foot_pound


◆ foot_pounds


◆ footcandle


◆ footcandles


◆ fps


◆ fps_sq


◆ ftlb


◆ G


◆ g_per_mL


◆ gauss


◆ grams_per_milliliter


◆ gray


◆ grays


◆ Gy


◆ inch_pound

compound_unit< length::foot, force::pounds > units::inch_pound

◆ inch_pounds

compound_unit< length::foot, force::pounds > units::inch_pounds

◆ inlb

compound_unit< length::foot, force::pounds > units::inlb

◆ julian_year


◆ julian_years


◆ kilometers_per_hour

compound_unit< length::feet, inverse< time::seconds > > units::kilometers_per_hour

◆ kph

compound_unit< length::feet, inverse< time::seconds > > units::kph

◆ L

cubed< length::millimeter > units::L

◆ lb


◆ lb_per_cu_in

compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::gallon > > units::lb_per_cu_in

◆ lbf


◆ lightyear

unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > units::lightyear

◆ lightyears

unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > units::lightyears

◆ liter

cubed< length::millimeter > units::liter

◆ liters

cubed< length::millimeter > units::liters

◆ ly

unit< std::ratio< 1852 >, meters > units::ly

◆ maxwell


◆ maxwells


◆ Mx


◆ nauticalMile


◆ nauticalMiles


◆ nmi


◆ ounces_per_cubic_foot

compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > units::ounces_per_cubic_foot

◆ ounces_per_gallon

compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > units::ounces_per_gallon

◆ oz_per_cu_ft

compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > units::oz_per_cu_ft

◆ oz_per_gal

compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > units::oz_per_gal

◆ parts_per_billion


◆ pct

unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, parts_per_million > units::pct

◆ pdl

compound_unit< mass::slug, length::foot, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > units::pdl

◆ percent

unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, parts_per_million > units::percent

◆ ph

compound_unit< luminous_flux::lumen, inverse< squared< length::foot > > > units::ph

◆ phot

compound_unit< luminous_flux::lumen, inverse< squared< length::foot > > > units::phot

◆ phots

compound_unit< luminous_flux::lumen, inverse< squared< length::foot > > > units::phots

◆ pound


◆ poundal

compound_unit< mass::slug, length::foot, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > units::poundal

◆ poundals

compound_unit< mass::slug, length::foot, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > units::poundals

◆ pounds


◆ pounds_per_cubic_inch

compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::gallon > > units::pounds_per_cubic_inch

◆ ppb


◆ rd

compound_unit< energy::joules, inverse< mass::kilogram > > units::rd

◆ rev_per_m_sq

compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > units::rev_per_m_sq

◆ revolutions_per_minute

compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< time::seconds > > units::revolutions_per_minute

◆ revolutions_per_minute_squared

compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< squared< time::seconds > > > units::revolutions_per_minute_squared

◆ rpm

compound_unit< angle::degrees, inverse< time::seconds > > units::rpm

◆ rutherford

compound_unit< energy::joules, inverse< mass::kilogram > > units::rutherford

◆ rutherfords

compound_unit< energy::joules, inverse< mass::kilogram > > units::rutherfords

◆ slug_per_cu_ft

compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::gallon > > compound_unit< mass::pounds, inverse< volume::cubic_inch > > units::slug_per_cu_ft

◆ slugs_per_cubic_foot

compound_unit< mass::grams, inverse< volume::milliliter > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::cubic_foot > > compound_unit< mass::ounces, inverse< volume::gallon > > compound_unit< mass::pounds, inverse< volume::cubic_inch > > units::slugs_per_cubic_foot

◆ sq_deg


◆ sq_km


◆ square_kilometer


◆ square_kilometers


◆ statV


◆ statvolt


◆ statvolts


◆ tablespoon

cubed< length::millimeter > cubed< deci< length::meter > > units::tablespoon

◆ tablespoons

cubed< length::millimeter > cubed< deci< length::meter > > units::tablespoons

◆ tbsp

cubed< length::millimeter > cubed< deci< length::meter > > units::tbsp

◆ therm

unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > unit< std::ratio< 1055056, 1000 >, joules > units::therm

◆ therms

unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > unit< std::ratio< 1055056, 1000 >, joules > units::therms

◆ thm

unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > unit< std::ratio< 1, 1000 >, kilowatt_hours > unit< std::ratio< 1055056, 1000 >, joules > units::thm

◆ watt_hour

unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > units::watt_hour

◆ watt_hours

unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > units::watt_hours

◆ Wh

unit< std::ratio< 4184, 1000 >, joules > units::Wh