Class HAL

public final class HAL
extends JNIWrapper
JNI Wrapper for Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL).
See Also:
"hal/HALBase.h", "hal/Main.h", "hal/FRCUsageReporting.h"
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public static boolean initialize​(int timeout, int mode)
      Call this to start up HAL. This is required for robot programs.

      This must be called before any other HAL functions. Failure to do so will result in undefined behavior, and likely segmentation faults. This means that any statically initialized variables in a program MUST call this function in their constructors if they want to use other HAL calls.

      The common parameters are 500 for timeout and 0 for mode.

      This function is safe to call from any thread, and as many times as you wish. It internally guards from any reentrancy.

      The applicable modes are: 0: Try to kill an existing HAL from another program, if not successful, error. 1: Force kill a HAL from another program. 2: Just warn if another hal exists and cannot be killed. Will likely result in undefined behavior.

      timeout - the initialization timeout (ms)
      mode - the initialization mode (see remarks)
      true if initialization was successful, otherwise false.
      See Also:
    • shutdown

      public static void shutdown()
      Call this to shut down HAL.

      This must be called at termination of the robot program to avoid potential segmentation faults with simulation extensions at exit.

      See Also:
    • hasMain

      public static boolean hasMain()
      Returns true if HAL_SetMain() has been called.
      True if HAL_SetMain() has been called, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • runMain

      public static void runMain()
      Runs the main function provided to HAL_SetMain().

      If HAL_SetMain() has not been called, simply sleeps until exitMain() is called.

      See Also:
    • exitMain

      public static void exitMain()
      Causes HAL_RunMain() to exit.

      If HAL_SetMain() has been called, this calls the exit function provided to that function.

      See Also:
    • registerSimPeriodicBeforeCallback

      Registers a callback to be run by IterativeRobotBase prior to the user's simulationPeriodic code.
      r - runnable
      Callback object (must be retained for callback to stay active).
    • simPeriodicBefore

      public static void simPeriodicBefore()
      Runs SimPeriodicBefore callbacks. IterativeRobotBase calls this prior to the user's simulationPeriodic code.
    • registerSimPeriodicAfterCallback

      Registers a callback to be run by IterativeRobotBase after the user's simulationPeriodic code.
      r - runnable
      Callback object (must be retained for callback to stay active).
    • simPeriodicAfter

      public static void simPeriodicAfter()
      Runs SimPeriodicAfter callbacks. IterativeRobotBase calls this after the user's simulationPeriodic code.
    • getBrownedOut

      public static boolean getBrownedOut()
      Gets if the system is in a browned out state.
      true if the system is in a low voltage brown out, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • getSystemActive

      public static boolean getSystemActive()
      Gets if the system outputs are currently active.
      true if the system outputs are active, false if disabled
      See Also:
    • getRSLState

      public static boolean getRSLState()
      Gets the current state of the Robot Signal Light (RSL).
      The current state of the RSL- true if on, false if off
      See Also:
    • getPortWithModule

      public static int getPortWithModule​(byte module, byte channel)
      Gets a port handle for a specific channel and module.

      This is expected to be used for PCMs, as the roboRIO does not work with modules anymore.

      The created handle does not need to be freed.

      module - the module number
      channel - the channel number
      the created port
      See Also:
    • getPort

      public static int getPort​(byte channel)
      Gets a port handle for a specific channel.

      The created handle does not need to be freed.

      channel - the channel number
      the created port
      See Also:
    • report

      public static void report​(int resource, int instanceNumber)
      Report the usage of a resource of interest.

      Original signature: uint32_t report(tResourceType, uint8_t, uint8_t, const char*)

      resource - one of the values in the tResourceType above.
      instanceNumber - an index that identifies the resource instance.
      See Also:
    • report

      public static void report​(int resource, int instanceNumber, int context)
      Report the usage of a resource of interest.

      Original signature: uint32_t report(tResourceType, uint8_t, uint8_t, const char*)

      resource - one of the values in the tResourceType above.
      instanceNumber - an index that identifies the resource instance.
      context - an optional additional context number for some cases (such as module number). Set to 0 to omit.
      See Also:
    • report

      public static int report​(int resource, int instanceNumber, int context, String feature)
      Report the usage of a resource of interest.

      Original signature: uint32_t report(tResourceType, uint8_t, uint8_t, const char*)

      resource - one of the values in the tResourceType above.
      instanceNumber - an index that identifies the resource instance.
      context - an optional additional context number for some cases (such as module number). Set to 0 to omit.
      feature - a string to be included describing features in use on a specific resource. Setting the same resource more than once allows you to change the feature string.
      the index of the added value in NetComm
      See Also: