001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.math.system.plant;
007import edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix;
008import edu.wpi.first.math.Nat;
009import edu.wpi.first.math.VecBuilder;
010import edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N1;
011import edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N2;
012import edu.wpi.first.math.system.LinearSystem;
014public final class LinearSystemId {
015  private LinearSystemId() {
016    // Utility class
017  }
019  /**
020   * Create a state-space model of an elevator system. The states of the system are [position,
021   * velocity]ᵀ, inputs are [voltage], and outputs are [position].
022   *
023   * @param motor The motor (or gearbox) attached to the carriage.
024   * @param massKg The mass of the elevator carriage, in kilograms.
025   * @param radiusMeters The radius of the elevator's driving drum, in meters.
026   * @param G The reduction between motor and drum, as a ratio of output to input.
027   * @return A LinearSystem representing the given characterized constants.
028   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if massKg <= 0, radiusMeters <= 0, or G <= 0.
029   */
030  public static LinearSystem<N2, N1, N1> createElevatorSystem(
031      DCMotor motor, double massKg, double radiusMeters, double G) {
032    if (massKg <= 0.0) {
033      throw new IllegalArgumentException("massKg must be greater than zero.");
034    }
035    if (radiusMeters <= 0.0) {
036      throw new IllegalArgumentException("radiusMeters must be greater than zero.");
037    }
038    if (G <= 0) {
039      throw new IllegalArgumentException("G must be greater than zero.");
040    }
042    return new LinearSystem<>(
043        Matrix.mat(Nat.N2(), Nat.N2())
044            .fill(
045                0,
046                1,
047                0,
048                -Math.pow(G, 2)
049                    * motor.KtNMPerAmp
050                    / (motor.rOhms
051                        * radiusMeters
052                        * radiusMeters
053                        * massKg
054                        * motor.KvRadPerSecPerVolt)),
055        VecBuilder.fill(0, G * motor.KtNMPerAmp / (motor.rOhms * radiusMeters * massKg)),
056        Matrix.mat(Nat.N1(), Nat.N2()).fill(1, 0),
057        new Matrix<>(Nat.N1(), Nat.N1()));
058  }
060  /**
061   * Create a state-space model of a flywheel system. The states of the system are [angular
062   * velocity], inputs are [voltage], and outputs are [angular velocity].
063   *
064   * @param motor The motor (or gearbox) attached to the flywheel.
065   * @param JKgMetersSquared The moment of inertia J of the flywheel.
066   * @param G The reduction between motor and drum, as a ratio of output to input.
067   * @return A LinearSystem representing the given characterized constants.
068   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if JKgMetersSquared &lt;= 0 or G &lt;= 0.
069   */
070  public static LinearSystem<N1, N1, N1> createFlywheelSystem(
071      DCMotor motor, double JKgMetersSquared, double G) {
072    if (JKgMetersSquared <= 0.0) {
073      throw new IllegalArgumentException("J must be greater than zero.");
074    }
075    if (G <= 0.0) {
076      throw new IllegalArgumentException("G must be greater than zero.");
077    }
079    return new LinearSystem<>(
080        VecBuilder.fill(
081            -G
082                * G
083                * motor.KtNMPerAmp
084                / (motor.KvRadPerSecPerVolt * motor.rOhms * JKgMetersSquared)),
085        VecBuilder.fill(G * motor.KtNMPerAmp / (motor.rOhms * JKgMetersSquared)),
086        Matrix.eye(Nat.N1()),
087        new Matrix<>(Nat.N1(), Nat.N1()));
088  }
090  /**
091   * Create a state-space model of a DC motor system. The states of the system are [angular
092   * position, angular velocity], inputs are [voltage], and outputs are [angular position, angular
093   * velocity].
094   *
095   * @param motor The motor (or gearbox) attached to system.
096   * @param JKgMetersSquared The moment of inertia J of the DC motor.
097   * @param G The reduction between motor and drum, as a ratio of output to input.
098   * @return A LinearSystem representing the given characterized constants.
099   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if JKgMetersSquared &lt;= 0 or G &lt;= 0.
100   */
101  public static LinearSystem<N2, N1, N2> createDCMotorSystem(
102      DCMotor motor, double JKgMetersSquared, double G) {
103    if (JKgMetersSquared <= 0.0) {
104      throw new IllegalArgumentException("J must be greater than zero.");
105    }
106    if (G <= 0.0) {
107      throw new IllegalArgumentException("G must be greater than zero.");
108    }
110    return new LinearSystem<>(
111        Matrix.mat(Nat.N2(), Nat.N2())
112            .fill(
113                0,
114                1,
115                0,
116                -G
117                    * G
118                    * motor.KtNMPerAmp
119                    / (motor.KvRadPerSecPerVolt * motor.rOhms * JKgMetersSquared)),
120        VecBuilder.fill(0, G * motor.KtNMPerAmp / (motor.rOhms * JKgMetersSquared)),
121        Matrix.eye(Nat.N2()),
122        new Matrix<>(Nat.N2(), Nat.N1()));
123  }
125  /**
126   * Create a state-space model of a differential drive drivetrain. In this model, the states are
127   * [left velocity, right velocity]ᵀ, inputs are [left voltage, right voltage]ᵀ, and outputs are
128   * [left velocity, right velocity]ᵀ.
129   *
130   * @param motor The motor (or gearbox) driving the drivetrain.
131   * @param massKg The mass of the robot in kilograms.
132   * @param rMeters The radius of the wheels in meters.
133   * @param rbMeters The radius of the base (half the track width) in meters.
134   * @param JKgMetersSquared The moment of inertia of the robot.
135   * @param G The gearing reduction as output over input.
136   * @return A LinearSystem representing a differential drivetrain.
137   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if m &lt;= 0, r &lt;= 0, rb &lt;= 0, J &lt;= 0, or G &lt;= 0.
138   */
139  public static LinearSystem<N2, N2, N2> createDrivetrainVelocitySystem(
140      DCMotor motor,
141      double massKg,
142      double rMeters,
143      double rbMeters,
144      double JKgMetersSquared,
145      double G) {
146    if (massKg <= 0.0) {
147      throw new IllegalArgumentException("massKg must be greater than zero.");
148    }
149    if (rMeters <= 0.0) {
150      throw new IllegalArgumentException("rMeters must be greater than zero.");
151    }
152    if (rbMeters <= 0.0) {
153      throw new IllegalArgumentException("rbMeters must be greater than zero.");
154    }
155    if (JKgMetersSquared <= 0.0) {
156      throw new IllegalArgumentException("JKgMetersSquared must be greater than zero.");
157    }
158    if (G <= 0.0) {
159      throw new IllegalArgumentException("G must be greater than zero.");
160    }
162    var C1 =
163        -(G * G) * motor.KtNMPerAmp / (motor.KvRadPerSecPerVolt * motor.rOhms * rMeters * rMeters);
164    var C2 = G * motor.KtNMPerAmp / (motor.rOhms * rMeters);
166    final double C3 = 1 / massKg + rbMeters * rbMeters / JKgMetersSquared;
167    final double C4 = 1 / massKg - rbMeters * rbMeters / JKgMetersSquared;
168    var A = Matrix.mat(Nat.N2(), Nat.N2()).fill(C3 * C1, C4 * C1, C4 * C1, C3 * C1);
169    var B = Matrix.mat(Nat.N2(), Nat.N2()).fill(C3 * C2, C4 * C2, C4 * C2, C3 * C2);
170    var C = Matrix.mat(Nat.N2(), Nat.N2()).fill(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
171    var D = Matrix.mat(Nat.N2(), Nat.N2()).fill(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
173    return new LinearSystem<>(A, B, C, D);
174  }
176  /**
177   * Create a state-space model of a single jointed arm system. The states of the system are [angle,
178   * angular velocity], inputs are [voltage], and outputs are [angle].
179   *
180   * @param motor The motor (or gearbox) attached to the arm.
181   * @param JKgSquaredMeters The moment of inertia J of the arm.
182   * @param G The gearing between the motor and arm, in output over input. Most of the time this
183   *     will be greater than 1.
184   * @return A LinearSystem representing the given characterized constants.
185   */
186  public static LinearSystem<N2, N1, N1> createSingleJointedArmSystem(
187      DCMotor motor, double JKgSquaredMeters, double G) {
188    if (JKgSquaredMeters <= 0.0) {
189      throw new IllegalArgumentException("JKgSquaredMeters must be greater than zero.");
190    }
191    if (G <= 0.0) {
192      throw new IllegalArgumentException("G must be greater than zero.");
193    }
195    return new LinearSystem<>(
196        Matrix.mat(Nat.N2(), Nat.N2())
197            .fill(
198                0,
199                1,
200                0,
201                -Math.pow(G, 2)
202                    * motor.KtNMPerAmp
203                    / (motor.KvRadPerSecPerVolt * motor.rOhms * JKgSquaredMeters)),
204        VecBuilder.fill(0, G * motor.KtNMPerAmp / (motor.rOhms * JKgSquaredMeters)),
205        Matrix.mat(Nat.N1(), Nat.N2()).fill(1, 0),
206        new Matrix<>(Nat.N1(), Nat.N1()));
207  }
209  /**
210   * Create a state-space model for a 1 DOF velocity system from its kV (volts/(unit/sec)) and kA
211   * (volts/(unit/sec²). These constants cam be found using SysId. The states of the system are
212   * [velocity], inputs are [voltage], and outputs are [velocity].
213   *
214   * <p>The distance unit you choose MUST be an SI unit (i.e. meters or radians). You can use the
215   * {@link edu.wpi.first.math.util.Units} class for converting between unit types.
216   *
217   * <p>The parameters provided by the user are from this feedforward model:
218   *
219   * <p>u = K_v v + K_a a
220   *
221   * @param kV The velocity gain, in volts/(unit/sec)
222   * @param kA The acceleration gain, in volts/(unit/sec^2)
223   * @return A LinearSystem representing the given characterized constants.
224   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if kV &lt;= 0 or kA &lt;= 0.
225   * @see <a href="https://github.com/wpilibsuite/sysid">https://github.com/wpilibsuite/sysid</a>
226   */
227  public static LinearSystem<N1, N1, N1> identifyVelocitySystem(double kV, double kA) {
228    if (kV <= 0.0) {
229      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Kv must be greater than zero.");
230    }
231    if (kA <= 0.0) {
232      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ka must be greater than zero.");
233    }
235    return new LinearSystem<>(
236        VecBuilder.fill(-kV / kA),
237        VecBuilder.fill(1.0 / kA),
238        VecBuilder.fill(1.0),
239        VecBuilder.fill(0.0));
240  }
242  /**
243   * Create a state-space model for a 1 DOF position system from its kV (volts/(unit/sec)) and kA
244   * (volts/(unit/sec²). These constants cam be found using SysId. The states of the system are
245   * [position, velocity]ᵀ, inputs are [voltage], and outputs are [position].
246   *
247   * <p>The distance unit you choose MUST be an SI unit (i.e. meters or radians). You can use the
248   * {@link edu.wpi.first.math.util.Units} class for converting between unit types.
249   *
250   * <p>The parameters provided by the user are from this feedforward model:
251   *
252   * <p>u = K_v v + K_a a
253   *
254   * @param kV The velocity gain, in volts/(unit/sec)
255   * @param kA The acceleration gain, in volts/(unit/sec²)
256   * @return A LinearSystem representing the given characterized constants.
257   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if kV &lt;= 0 or kA &lt;= 0.
258   * @see <a href="https://github.com/wpilibsuite/sysid">https://github.com/wpilibsuite/sysid</a>
259   */
260  public static LinearSystem<N2, N1, N1> identifyPositionSystem(double kV, double kA) {
261    if (kV <= 0.0) {
262      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Kv must be greater than zero.");
263    }
264    if (kA <= 0.0) {
265      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ka must be greater than zero.");
266    }
268    return new LinearSystem<>(
269        Matrix.mat(Nat.N2(), Nat.N2()).fill(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -kV / kA),
270        VecBuilder.fill(0.0, 1.0 / kA),
271        Matrix.mat(Nat.N1(), Nat.N2()).fill(1.0, 0.0),
272        VecBuilder.fill(0.0));
273  }
275  /**
276   * Identify a differential drive drivetrain given the drivetrain's kV and kA in both linear
277   * {(volts/(meter/sec), (volts/(meter/sec²))} and angular {(volts/(radian/sec)),
278   * (volts/(radian/sec²))} cases. These constants can be found using SysId.
279   *
280   * <p>States: [[left velocity], [right velocity]]<br>
281   * Inputs: [[left voltage], [right voltage]]<br>
282   * Outputs: [[left velocity], [right velocity]]
283   *
284   * @param kVLinear The linear velocity gain in volts per (meters per second).
285   * @param kALinear The linear acceleration gain in volts per (meters per second squared).
286   * @param kVAngular The angular velocity gain in volts per (meters per second).
287   * @param kAAngular The angular acceleration gain in volts per (meters per second squared).
288   * @return A LinearSystem representing the given characterized constants.
289   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if kVLinear &lt;= 0, kALinear &lt;= 0, kVAngular &lt;= 0, or
290   *     kAAngular &lt;= 0.
291   * @see <a href="https://github.com/wpilibsuite/sysid">https://github.com/wpilibsuite/sysid</a>
292   */
293  public static LinearSystem<N2, N2, N2> identifyDrivetrainSystem(
294      double kVLinear, double kALinear, double kVAngular, double kAAngular) {
295    if (kVLinear <= 0.0) {
296      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Kv,linear must be greater than zero.");
297    }
298    if (kALinear <= 0.0) {
299      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ka,linear must be greater than zero.");
300    }
301    if (kVAngular <= 0.0) {
302      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Kv,angular must be greater than zero.");
303    }
304    if (kAAngular <= 0.0) {
305      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ka,angular must be greater than zero.");
306    }
308    final double A1 = 0.5 * -(kVLinear / kALinear + kVAngular / kAAngular);
309    final double A2 = 0.5 * -(kVLinear / kALinear - kVAngular / kAAngular);
310    final double B1 = 0.5 * (1.0 / kALinear + 1.0 / kAAngular);
311    final double B2 = 0.5 * (1.0 / kALinear - 1.0 / kAAngular);
313    return new LinearSystem<>(
314        Matrix.mat(Nat.N2(), Nat.N2()).fill(A1, A2, A2, A1),
315        Matrix.mat(Nat.N2(), Nat.N2()).fill(B1, B2, B2, B1),
316        Matrix.mat(Nat.N2(), Nat.N2()).fill(1, 0, 0, 1),
317        Matrix.mat(Nat.N2(), Nat.N2()).fill(0, 0, 0, 0));
318  }
320  /**
321   * Identify a differential drive drivetrain given the drivetrain's kV and kA in both linear
322   * {(volts/(meter/sec)), (volts/(meter/sec²))} and angular {(volts/(radian/sec)),
323   * (volts/(radian/sec²))} cases. This can be found using SysId.
324   *
325   * <p>States: [[left velocity], [right velocity]]<br>
326   * Inputs: [[left voltage], [right voltage]]<br>
327   * Outputs: [[left velocity], [right velocity]]
328   *
329   * @param kVLinear The linear velocity gain in volts per (meters per second).
330   * @param kALinear The linear acceleration gain in volts per (meters per second squared).
331   * @param kVAngular The angular velocity gain in volts per (radians per second).
332   * @param kAAngular The angular acceleration gain in volts per (radians per second squared).
333   * @param trackwidth The distance between the differential drive's left and right wheels, in
334   *     meters.
335   * @return A LinearSystem representing the given characterized constants.
336   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if kVLinear &lt;= 0, kALinear &lt;= 0, kVAngular &lt;= 0,
337   *     kAAngular &lt;= 0, or trackwidth &lt;= 0.
338   * @see <a href="https://github.com/wpilibsuite/sysid">https://github.com/wpilibsuite/sysid</a>
339   */
340  public static LinearSystem<N2, N2, N2> identifyDrivetrainSystem(
341      double kVLinear, double kALinear, double kVAngular, double kAAngular, double trackwidth) {
342    if (kVLinear <= 0.0) {
343      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Kv,linear must be greater than zero.");
344    }
345    if (kALinear <= 0.0) {
346      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ka,linear must be greater than zero.");
347    }
348    if (kVAngular <= 0.0) {
349      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Kv,angular must be greater than zero.");
350    }
351    if (kAAngular <= 0.0) {
352      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ka,angular must be greater than zero.");
353    }
354    if (trackwidth <= 0.0) {
355      throw new IllegalArgumentException("trackwidth must be greater than zero.");
356    }
358    // We want to find a factor to include in Kv,angular that will convert
359    // `u = Kv,angular omega` to `u = Kv,angular v`.
360    //
361    // v = omega r
362    // omega = v/r
363    // omega = 1/r v
364    // omega = 1/(trackwidth/2) v
365    // omega = 2/trackwidth v
366    //
367    // So multiplying by 2/trackwidth converts the angular gains from V/(rad/s)
368    // to V/(m/s).
369    return identifyDrivetrainSystem(
370        kVLinear, kALinear, kVAngular * 2.0 / trackwidth, kAAngular * 2.0 / trackwidth);
371  }