001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.hal;
007import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
010 * I2C HAL JNI functions.
011 *
012 * @see "I2C.h"
013 */
014public class I2CJNI extends JNIWrapper {
015  /**
016   * Initializes the I2C port.
017   *
018   * <p>Opens the port if necessary and saves the handle. If opening the MXP port, also sets up the
019   * channel functions appropriately.
020   *
021   * @param port The port to open, 0 for the on-board, 1 for the MXP.
022   * @see "HAL_InitializeI2C"
023   */
024  public static native void i2CInitialize(int port);
026  /**
027   * Generic I2C read/write transaction.
028   *
029   * <p>This is a lower-level interface to the I2C hardware giving you more control over each
030   * transaction.
031   *
032   * @param port The I2C port, 0 for the on-board, 1 for the MXP.
033   * @param address The address of the register on the device to be read/written.
034   * @param dataToSend Buffer of data to send as part of the transaction.
035   * @param sendSize Number of bytes to send as part of the transaction.
036   * @param dataReceived Buffer to read data into.
037   * @param receiveSize Number of bytes to read from the device.
038   * @return &gt;= 0 on success or -1 on transfer abort.
039   * @see "HAL_TransactionI2C"
040   */
041  public static native int i2CTransaction(
042      int port,
043      byte address,
044      ByteBuffer dataToSend,
045      byte sendSize,
046      ByteBuffer dataReceived,
047      byte receiveSize);
049  /**
050   * Generic I2C read/write transaction.
051   *
052   * <p>This is a lower-level interface to the I2C hardware giving you more control over each
053   * transaction.
054   *
055   * @param port The I2C port, 0 for the on-board, 1 for the MXP.
056   * @param address The address of the register on the device to be read/written.
057   * @param dataToSend Buffer of data to send as part of the transaction.
058   * @param sendSize Number of bytes to send as part of the transaction.
059   * @param dataReceived Buffer to read data into.
060   * @param receiveSize Number of bytes to read from the device.
061   * @return &gt;= 0 on success or -1 on transfer abort.
062   * @see "HAL_TransactionI2C"
063   */
064  public static native int i2CTransactionB(
065      int port,
066      byte address,
067      byte[] dataToSend,
068      byte sendSize,
069      byte[] dataReceived,
070      byte receiveSize);
072  /**
073   * Executes a write transaction with the device.
074   *
075   * <p>Writes a single byte to a register on a device and wait until the transaction is complete.
076   *
077   * @param port The I2C port, 0 for the on-board, 1 for the MXP.
078   * @param address The address of the register on the device to be written.
079   * @param dataToSend The byte to write to the register on the device.
080   * @param sendSize Number of bytes to send.
081   * @return &gt;= 0 on success or -1 on transfer abort.
082   * @see "HAL_WriteI2C"
083   */
084  public static native int i2CWrite(int port, byte address, ByteBuffer dataToSend, byte sendSize);
086  /**
087   * Executes a write transaction with the device.
088   *
089   * <p>Writes a single byte to a register on a device and wait until the transaction is complete.
090   *
091   * @param port The I2C port, 0 for the on-board, 1 for the MXP.
092   * @param address The address of the register on the device to be written.
093   * @param dataToSend The byte to write to the register on the device.
094   * @param sendSize Number of bytes to send.
095   * @return &gt;= 0 on success or -1 on transfer abort.
096   * @see "HAL_WriteI2C"
097   */
098  public static native int i2CWriteB(int port, byte address, byte[] dataToSend, byte sendSize);
100  /**
101   * Executes a read transaction with the device.
102   *
103   * <p>Reads bytes from a device. Most I2C devices will auto-increment the register pointer
104   * internally allowing you to read consecutive registers on a device in a single transaction.
105   *
106   * @param port The I2C port, 0 for the on-board, 1 for the MXP.
107   * @param address The register to read first in the transaction.
108   * @param dataReceived A ByteBuffer to store the data read from the device.
109   * @param receiveSize The number of bytes to read in the transaction.
110   * @return &gt;= 0 on success or -1 on transfer abort.
111   * @see "HAL_ReadI2C"
112   */
113  public static native int i2CRead(
114      int port, byte address, ByteBuffer dataReceived, byte receiveSize);
116  /**
117   * Executes a read transaction with the device.
118   *
119   * <p>Reads bytes from a device. Most I2C devices will auto-increment the register pointer
120   * internally allowing you to read consecutive registers on a device in a single transaction.
121   *
122   * @param port The I2C port, 0 for the on-board, 1 for the MXP.
123   * @param address The register to read first in the transaction.
124   * @param dataReceived A byte array to store the data read from the device.
125   * @param receiveSize The number of bytes to read in the transaction.
126   * @return &gt;= 0 on success or -1 on transfer abort.
127   * @see "HAL_ReadI2C"
128   */
129  public static native int i2CReadB(int port, byte address, byte[] dataReceived, byte receiveSize);
131  /**
132   * Closes an I2C port.
133   *
134   * @param port The I2C port, 0 for the on-board, 1 for the MXP.
135   * @see "HAL_CloseI2C"
136   */
137  public static native void i2CClose(int port);