Analog Input Module and Bumper
Additional Photos
- Analog bumper, under the hood - Top view
- Analog bumper, under the hood - Side view
- Analog bumper, prototype case - Top view
- Analog bumper, prototype case - Side view
Analog Input Module (NI 9201)
- Weighs approx 0.4 lb (including bumper)
- Dimensions approx 3.5" x 5.5" x1" (including bumper)
- Eight channel analog input
- +/- 10V input range
- 12-bit resolution
- 500 kHz aggregate sampling rate
Analog bumper
- Plugs into Analog Input Module (NI 9201)
- 12V input via WAGO connector
- 1A 5V switching power supply
- Input #7 can be jumpered to monitor battery voltage
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Last modified: April 30, 2008 14:10:14